Wednesday, August 31, 2011


Sooo I totally just used one of our vocabulary words as my title! Always thinking ;)It's not really how I feel but I thought it was a cool word! Ugh but anyways I'm sooo confused about this blog thing still! Are we soppost to talk about our book every time or just whatever? Ah so many questions! But oh my gosh I seriously can't wait for the weekend to come! And it's a 3 day weekend! Haha bonus! I'm going to sleep in everyday till about 12 or maybe 1, I don't no I haven't decided yet!

Well since I don't no if we have to blog about just our book or other stuff, I guess I'll just talk about my book just in case. I'm still reading These Things Hidden and it just keeps getting better and better! I love it! This perfect little family just got robbed and the main character Allison just told about her pregnancy at 16 years old and how she made her sister keep it a secret and help her get rid of the baby. It's actually kinda a sad story but it's really good cause it keeps you on your toes the hole time! Unfortunately I'm a slow reader and I hate reading so it's kinda taking me a while to get through this book. But eventually I will finish it! Probably! Well maybe! Actually yes! I'm definitly going to finish it, I'll force my self to!

I wonder how many words I have typed? I'm typing this from my phone so the screen is really small and I can't figure out how to do word count or scroll up. Ha awesome! Today has just been great. Not! I got my phone taken away 2nd period :/ But no worries I got it back after work at 5! Oh great that means my 2nd period teacher will be watching me the rest of the year like a hawk to make sure I'm not "using" my phone. But in all actuality, my phone wasn't the one that went off in class! My teacher just thought it was mine because I had my bag on my desk in front of me. Oh well I got it back and my mom didn't really care, luckily!

Well I'm gonna go because I'm afraid that my phone will shut off unexspectly or I'm going to drop it on the fall and all my writting will be erased. If that happened I definitely wouldn't rewrite this haha that'd be way to much work! So I'll just go now! Gosh I really hope I got around 400 words so I don't have to blog again!

Ps. If any of my sentences don't make sence just ignore it. It'll probably be because my auto correct on my phone, it messes up words all the time and my writting never makes sence haha.

1 comment:

  1. i really dont wanna comment on your blog but im being forced to so hey.
