Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Close Reading Bingo

Weakness 1: "He says whatever comes to mind, saying that his parents "would have about two hemorrhages apiece if I told anything pretty personal about them," The World Is Ours

Weakness 9: "This first page definitely has a very blunt and common elevation to it, along with being literal and precise during this first page." The Lurking Times

Weakness 6: "As the passage goes on, the author uses phrases like "He's got a lot of dough" and "they're also touchy as hell" to make it feel as though the narrator is just another regular kid who is telling you a story." JimmehFTW

Weakness 2: Baker describes his surroundings as "towering volumes of marble and glass" and "long glossy highlights to each of the black rubber handrails". To Kill A Mockingjay

 Best Responce: "In the excerpt from The Mezzanine  by Nicholson Baker, he writes with an elevated refinement that is both dignified and straight-forward." Happy Go Lucky

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Practice Diction Analysis

The exert The Mezzanine by Nicholson Baker uses high language as he decribes the lobby and escalators as, "area of shine where it fell against their brushed steel side panels." His connotation diction is picturesque and suggestive of the lobby's highlighs and what he views as he walks through the building. Baker's voice creates a very relaxing and easy mood to The Mezzanine. He uses harsh words as he sets a picturesque setting to the story.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Currently 2

1. "The elevation of his diction is pretty average - not rude or flowery - and the sound can be described as both grating and melodious as he switches between describing the horrors and beauties of war." - Becca's Blog

2. " In the excerpt from The Help, Kathryn's literal meaning of certain things are common and colloquial in ways that makes her writing unique." - Book Lover

3. " In Stardust, Neil Gaiman articulates his description of Wall, the people and the area formal, harmonious, flowing, descriptive language where words can be taken for their face value meaning." - Contemplations

4. " The whole work is symbolic and metaphoric, a "noble lie" in which the denotative meaning of the story isn't always true persay, but reveals a deeper truth, transcending the literal meaning." - A Scrap of Parchment

5. "The diction falls into the category of being very denotative with a high and elevated tone wtih a light use of figurative language. The narrator uses only common adjectives such as "old" and "square." - So Many Books, So Little Time

My favorite sentence is sentence 4 becasue it is very descriptive. It uses a varitey of words to decribe the book and it caught my attention.

Thursday, October 20, 2011


Oh my gosh it's so cold outside! I hate the rain! It's so depressing, it makes everyone really tired. So since this week I couldn't go outside because it's freezing I just read instead. I started a new book this week called The Lies That Chelsea Told Me by Chelsea Handler. It's soo funny! I usally don't read comedy books but I actually like this one!! Hahah it's hilirious so far. I read 102 pages of it this week and a total of 1,148 pages this semester.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Style Mapping

In the exert Stardust, Neil Gaiman uses high language as he describes the houses in Wall as, "old grey stone and with dark slate roofs." The tone is more connotation then denotative because it is suggesting and picturesque of the city near Wall and the long packed roads from city to city. Stardust has a harsh tone to it because of the dull and clattering effects to the whole novel.

Blood Meridain by Cormac McCarthy describes the low dusk and bitter arcs of the night sky. His connotation language conveys the harsh and gentle setting of the exert. Meridian uses figurative language to also describe his fear of citizenry and uses vast diction to add a old fashion appearance to the novel.

The book Falling Hard edited by Betsey Franco are love poems written by teenagers. It has a high elevation with elegant and fancy diction. The tone is connotation because it has an emotional feel to it and describes the poetic and lyrical emotions of young love. The musical sounds are harmonious and melodious which make the book have a light quantity to it.

Friday, October 14, 2011


During this 9 weeks I am actually surprised that I have so much. I never read because I think it is boring but now that we get to pick what ever book we want to read, I enjoy it now. I read a lot of suspenseful books and or mysteries because they keep me on my toes while I am reading them. The reading that has challenged me the most so far would have to be the book A Mans Search for Meaning. It was a really hard book because I didn't really want to read it but I had to for my online class. I finished it but it took me a while because I hated reading it. I usually read in study hall or at night in my bed. I never really have anything to do in study hall since I have it first period so I just read a lot. I want to set a goal for myself to read at least 4 more books by the end of the semester. I read 3 books this 9 weeks so next 9 weeks I want to beat it. This 9 weeks has been really fun in this class and I enjoy coming to it everyday unlike my art class which I dread going to! I don't no if we have to put this or not, but I read 101 pages this week and a total of 1,046 pages this semester and I finished The Weight Of Silence!

Thursday, October 13, 2011

2 Hour Delay!

Oh my gosh im so glad we had a 2 hour delay this morning! I definitely needed it, I think everyone did. I think it was from the fog but I dont no, im just glad we got one! Yesturday all the seniors didnt have to go to school and then today a 2 hour delay! I can definitely get used to this. So I worked 5 hours yesturday in the walgreens pharmacy for my internship/job shadow. Omg it took forever I thought I was going to die. Haha all the people are nice there but its just so hard. I didnt realize that the internship class im in at class would be this hard, but it really is. You have to get 140 hours! That dosent sound like a lot but with school and homework and extra cirricular activities and online classes its really hard! Im not that behind on hours but im definitely not ahead. I have to average 10 hours or more each week till the end of the semester to make 140 hours or more. Its a good learning experience but it is not the career i want to go into. It is kinda boring and you do the same exact thing every day and its super hard. I am getting the hang of everything but I still dont think i want to go to college for pharmacy. Oh yeah so im still reading The Weight Of Silence and its super good!! I definitely recomend it to everyone. I only have a few more pages left! Im not sure what book i will read next. Maybe i'll ask my mom becasue she seems to read pretty good books so far!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Favorite Sentences Of The Quarter

1. "As I speed along I see the baby girls body rushing down the river, keeping pace with my car, trying to outrun the image." This is my favorite sentence of all because it really helps me get a picture in my mind of what Allsion is thinking. She has flash backs of the horrible night when Bryan killed her baby but she blames herself for doing it.

2. "No clothes, no shoes, no boxes filled with keepakes. I've been erased." This is my second favorite sentence becasue Allison feels as if her parents have earsed her from there life. She just got out of jail and goes to see her parents but they have forgotten about her becasue of the mistake she made 4 years ago.

3. "When we saw a monrade smoking his own cigarettes, we knew he had given up faith in his strength to carry on." This is from a different book then my other 2 favorite sentences are from. This sentence is a big part of the book A Mans Search For Meaning becasue it tells what prisoners do in the concentration camps when they have given up all hope for themselves.

Friday, October 7, 2011


Ugh I'm in study hall right now & it's soo boring! Luckily I have my phone so I can get onto the Internet and blog for this week! This week I've been reading The Weight Of Silence still & I'm almost done with it yayy! I also finished Mans Search For Meaning this week! The book was boring and I really didn't like it haha. But anyways, I have read 110 pages this week and a total of 945 pages this semester!

Finally Friday!

Oh my gosh this week took FOREVER! I'm soo glad it's Friday, if it wasn't I'd definitely skip today haha. I'm so excited for this weekend! Were going to the notre dame game on Saturday with one of my friends! & next week we get to miss school Wednesday to go do a job shadow or college visit! I'm definitely sleeping in & going to my internship at like 12. Soo anyways, the book The Weight Of Silence that I am reading is super good! I am almost done with it! The two little girls got kidnapped and everyone is blaming Calli's alcoholic dad but no one nos where he is! I can't wait to find out the end of the book and see who took Calli & Petra. Oh I finished the book The Mans Search For Meaning! It was so boring in the beginning but towards the end it got pretty good. I wouldn't recommend the book to anyone because it really didn't like it and I only had to read it for my online class. But I'm so glad I'm done with that! I'll probably finish The Weight Of Silence this weekend and then start another book!