Friday, October 7, 2011

Finally Friday!

Oh my gosh this week took FOREVER! I'm soo glad it's Friday, if it wasn't I'd definitely skip today haha. I'm so excited for this weekend! Were going to the notre dame game on Saturday with one of my friends! & next week we get to miss school Wednesday to go do a job shadow or college visit! I'm definitely sleeping in & going to my internship at like 12. Soo anyways, the book The Weight Of Silence that I am reading is super good! I am almost done with it! The two little girls got kidnapped and everyone is blaming Calli's alcoholic dad but no one nos where he is! I can't wait to find out the end of the book and see who took Calli & Petra. Oh I finished the book The Mans Search For Meaning! It was so boring in the beginning but towards the end it got pretty good. I wouldn't recommend the book to anyone because it really didn't like it and I only had to read it for my online class. But I'm so glad I'm done with that! I'll probably finish The Weight Of Silence this weekend and then start another book!

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