Thursday, October 13, 2011

2 Hour Delay!

Oh my gosh im so glad we had a 2 hour delay this morning! I definitely needed it, I think everyone did. I think it was from the fog but I dont no, im just glad we got one! Yesturday all the seniors didnt have to go to school and then today a 2 hour delay! I can definitely get used to this. So I worked 5 hours yesturday in the walgreens pharmacy for my internship/job shadow. Omg it took forever I thought I was going to die. Haha all the people are nice there but its just so hard. I didnt realize that the internship class im in at class would be this hard, but it really is. You have to get 140 hours! That dosent sound like a lot but with school and homework and extra cirricular activities and online classes its really hard! Im not that behind on hours but im definitely not ahead. I have to average 10 hours or more each week till the end of the semester to make 140 hours or more. Its a good learning experience but it is not the career i want to go into. It is kinda boring and you do the same exact thing every day and its super hard. I am getting the hang of everything but I still dont think i want to go to college for pharmacy. Oh yeah so im still reading The Weight Of Silence and its super good!! I definitely recomend it to everyone. I only have a few more pages left! Im not sure what book i will read next. Maybe i'll ask my mom becasue she seems to read pretty good books so far!

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